This Month I am setting some goals to keep me motivated and to try new things.  I am going to set myself five goals and then share how I get on with them throughout the month over on my Instagram stories. I will also do a roundup post at the end of the month on here.

Goal 1 – Lose 8-10lbs
This month I would like to lose around 8-10lbs. Ideally before my holiday at the end of may I would have liked to have lost between 1-1/2 stone so if I lose 8-10lbs I would be well on my way to achieving my goal.  I am going to tracking what I eat and following more area focused workouts to achieve my goal.

Goal 2 - Drink 4 Litres of water daily
This month I want to drink 4 litres of water daily which is roughly a gallon to help with water retention and bloating. Also, to keep me hydrated throughout the day.

Goal 3 - Lower my carbohydrate intake
This month I want to slightly reduce my carbohydrate intake and increase my protein intake as I am doing more weighted exercises to aid recovery.  This should hopefully help me with bloating and reaching my goal.

Goal 4 – Start Running
This month I would like to start running more. I do the odd bit at the moment in the gym.  I would like to increase my distance and how long I run for.

Goal 5 – Meal Prep
This month I want to meal prep more, so I have more of an idea of what I am wanting to eat and to keep me on track. This should allow me to make a varied of healthy meals that are simple to reheat when needed.

Beth x

Disclaimer - I am only sharing my experience of changing to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. We are all different.

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