Staying motivated and keeping on track can be hard. In this post I am going to be sharing my tips on how I stay motivated and stay on track to achieve my goals.

Motivational quotes
I have a Pinterest board where I pin motivational quotes. This allows me to come back at a time when I’m not feeling so motivated and to read quotes that inspire me to keep on track.

Other people’s journeys
Something that keeps me motivated is following other people’s journeys and seeing their posts on their progress and how they got to that point.

Write down your goals
This is something I have only started doing recently. At the beginning of each month I like to sit and write down my goals for the month whether that be loose 8lbs or drink more water. This allows me to see what I am wanting to do and I can then plan how I am going to get there.

Tracking what I eat
99.9% of the time I track what I eat by using the my fitness pal app. This app keeps me motivated as it allows me to track what I’m eating and how much I weigh. On the app I can see my progress over my journey, and it shows how far I have come.  

Progress photos
More often than not the scale doesn’t always say what we want it to say even if you have been eating
really well and drinking lots of water. I like to take progress photos to show my progress as even
though the scale may not have changed doesn’t mean to say your body hasn’t. 

Using a template
I have created a template that allows me to track how I’m eating each day and whether I have 
exercised or not. Each day I change my lock screen to the updated version of my template to show 
me how on track or not on track I have been.

I hope these tips will help someone like they have helped me while I am on my weight loss journey.

Beth x

Disclaimer - I am only sharing my experience of changing to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. We are all different.

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